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Brea Impeachment Rally

Around 200 people gathered at the corner of St. College Blvd and Imperial highway in Brea for a rally urging the House of Representatives to vote to impeach President Donald Trump on Tuesday evening, December 17.

This rally was just one of many around the country on the eve of the House impeachment vote on December 18.

Here are some photos from the rally:

Congressmember Gil Cisneros, who represents the local 39th Congressional District, issued a statement on Monday, December 16 on why he plans to vote to impeach the president.

“When the unprecedented allegations against the President and his interactions with Ukraine were first reported, I felt it was Congress’ duty to investigate and find out the truth,” Cisneros stated. “Following the focused investigative process by the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, the facts are before Congress and the American people. The President betrayed his oath to support and defend the Constitution by attempting to undermine the integrity of our elections for his own personal benefit. He asked a foreign government to investigate a political rival, and he endangered our national security by withholding taxpayer-funded military aid that was meant to be used to counter Russian aggression against an American ally.”

“For me, this is not about personal politics or party affiliation. It is about upholding my oath to put our country and our Constitution first and protect our national security. That is why I will vote to move forward with the impeachment of the President. I hope all my colleagues will join in recognizing this grave threat and stand up to this Administration in defense of our Constitution,” Cisneros said.

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5 replies »

  1. I’ve never seen a bunch of ignorant people in my life…except for maybe at a democrat convention. Are people really that stupid?

    • Ah, another 1%’er living in a gated community!, with a gated mind! Watch out, here comes the battering ram…

    • Thanks for your comment. It seems incredible that you’ve never seen a bunch of ignorant people in your life. It seems like maybe you would gravitate toward them, given the adage about birds of a feather.
      Merry holidays to you.

  2. More like 25 people at each corner but I didn’t count. They were excited and a few people in cars and trucks did honk. Short interruption by a small group with “Trump 2020” banners and red “Keep America Great” hats. A couple of sound offs between the two groups but I must say one of the participants was very kind, trading comments, not barbs–even shaking hands with the opposition. How cool is that?

    • I did count and there were upwards of 150 people, not a bad turnout for OC and the holiday season. And there were PLENTY of vehicles honking.b