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Police Investigate Rape in Downtown Fullerton

Fullerton police are investigating an alleged rape that happened on August 1, in downtown. Samantha Velasquez said she had been dancing at JP23 Urban Kitchen and accepted a drink from two women who said a man had bought the drink for them. The next thing she remembered – she was waking up alone in a parking structure near the Metro station in downtown Fullerton. She believed she had been drugged and assaulted. Her mother urged her to get a rape kit and she also reported the incident to Fullerton police. Surveillance cameras show that she was stumbling as she left the night club with a man and was joined by several other people.

Due to the reports of this rape by ABC, FoxLA, and many social media platforms women have begun to share their stories and a group has formed to make people aware of these incidents. The group has organized a protest that will take place on the corner of Commonwealth Ave and Harbor Blvd on Sunday, August 8 at 6:30 pm.

Such crimes are not rare. FBI statistics for 2019 (the most recently reported year) show Fullerton had 80 reported rapes. However, 63% of sexual assaults are not reported to police according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC).

The NSVRC which researches sexual assault and provides resources for victims says roughly 1 in 5 women, and 1 in 71 men, are sexually assaulted in their lifetime. In 8 out of 10 cases of rape the victim knows the person who assaulted them. The organization’s website presents helpful information on what to do if you become a victim as well as guidelines that may help prevent such crimes.

There are three drugs commonly used in what is often referred to as “date rape.”  The drugs can make people physically weak or completely unconscious, unable to defend themselves and often unable to remember anything. Many of the drugs used in this kind of assault have no color, smell or taste, even in water. The organization notes that all drugs affect how well your mind and body operate and alcohol is the number one most used drug there is.

Below are a few ways to protect yourself when you are at a party, bar or some other event:

  1.  Never drink a drink someone hands you and you did not see being made (yes, even your date).
  2.  Never leave your drink unattended. Take it with you, even to the bathroom and dance floor. If you do leave your drink – just get another one.
  3.  Stick with your friends. There is safety in numbers.

If you are drugged and taken advantage of, it is not your fault. Report the incident immediately. Intervene, if you see someone unable to walk on their own. Stay with them until they sober up enough to make their choices known.

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, visit Anaheim Regional Medical Center, 1111 W. La Palma Ave, Anaheim, CA and report it as soon as possible. Go to the emergency room and they will send you to the Safe Place for forensic rape kit. Your actions can save someone else from suffering the same fate.

For more information & help:

  •  Orange County 24-hour Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Hotline 714-957-2737

Confidential support from trained sexual assault counselors who can help you with resources.

  •  www.waymakersoc.org
  •  National Sexual Violence Resource Center www.nsvrc.org
  •  National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673
  •  Fullerton Police 911 or 714-738-6800

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9 replies »

  1. Saskia learn to tighten up your sentences. The few facts supplied in your writing hidden by your poorly constructed syntax and grammar. The only time this article reads smooth are the last two paragraphs which causes me to believe you copied and pasted them from NSVRC. Where did you learn to be a journalist for this newspaper?

    • Lol. I’ve never seen so much petty criticism given to an article about a rape. ‘There raping a girl, someone stop them! You: ‘They’re raping a girl.” Sips coffee.

  2. I think you have enough information and facts that you can write an informative narrative of the establishment! If you feel like you don’t, hold off on writing the article so it doesn’t lack substance on not only what happened to Samantha but many more victims. Reporters are part of the problem.

  3. Because I was waiting to get the story from Samantha directly. I will be posting the full story shortly. I am still waiting on a statement from FPD. I thought it was important to tell people how to protect themselves in the meantime.

    • That’s kinda half-baked. I’ll help: “police reports and social media have indicated the site of the alleged drugging as JP23. In the interests of public safety, any person concerned with his or her personal welfare and physical well-being should avoid Downtown Fullerton. In the meantime, the owner of JP23 has released a video showing the woman departing his establishment in the company of several other people.

  4. So you embark on a story about how to avoid getting roofied, but you never mention the place where this allegedly took place. JP23. Why not?